2009 UPCOMING EVENTS (additional information coming)


Sunday, July 20, 2008


Jeff is having a great day. He got out of the bed, this morning, and headed down to the cafeteria for breakfast with Tina. They spent a few minutes outside before Jeff came back in and took a shower. Tomorrow, the doctors will perform a lumbar puncture to see if the treatment is helping with the meningitis and cancer. They are also expecting to give him another dose of chemo. There are a couple of other tricks the doctors have up their sleeve if this course of treatment is not working. The other options are another form of chemotherapy and or radiation. Hopefully, this won't be necessary, but it is a viable option.


Anonymous said...


It was super seeing you today. It is also great to hear that you are doing much better. I really can't imagine what you are going through, but I know you have the inner strength to deal with this. My sister was a great example of this. My family and I will continue to pray for you. ~Virgil

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff....
We enjoyed seeing you the other day,and you do look really good. I know that each day is a struggle , but we are praying that with each day the struggle lessen. God is on your side and so are we. Tina , you are doing a wonderful job - you are an amazing lady(wife,mother,etc). Our prayers are with you all. Love you guys.

~ Alexis , Scott & Lauren Kelly

Anonymous said...

Coach Blizzy,

It'll be a couple more weeks before I'm home but I'll be sure to stop by to see you and the family, and hopefully bring you guys some Chinese food! :D You know you're always in my family's prayers. Love you coach and stay strong!
-Danny Quach-"Kwan do"

Anonymous said...


Darren, me & the girls are finally home from all of our vacations so now we can make plans to come and see you. Once you get home from the hospital, we would love to come and see you, Tina & kids. We can grill you a big steak and play some spades if you're up to it! Hang in there! You're a fighter and can beat this evil disease! You've got alot of friends who are supporting you! You're constantly in our prayers!

Take Care!
Darren, Tammy, Brittney & Sydney

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff,

The benefit was awesome!! So many people out to support you! It was so touching. You have no idea the amount of people whos life you have touched! We love you!!

Nikki, Kevin, Haylie, Hunter and Harrison

Anonymous said...

Big Bubba,
You have made me cry many times during my life, but the thoughts of seeing and visiting with you caused me feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, and nervousness. Jeff and Tina, I apologize to you both that I have not been at your sides during this. I have tried to remain strong (more tears that I wipe away are not what you need) so I have tried to keep up through this blog/Chrissy/mom/dad and my phone calls.

My ability to carry and cover my emotions waiver from time to time. Jeff, I must admit I did not decide to attend the benefit until the morning of. I was unsure of my emotions. Also, I didn't think I wanted to be teary all day while talking about you in uncertain difficult times and lastly, I DID NOT WANT TO see my big 'meany' teddy bubba sick!
I did cry a lot, so Jeff you did it right; but I also was so very very glad I came.

While the benefit was highlight for much of the day; meeting and greeting and revisiting old friends and family-FANTASTIC....

NOTHING COMPARES to our conversation on the phone that Saturday afternoon. The Grand spotlight for my heart came in our visit. (Thanks for getting a shower just to see us.) To see MY Big Meanie laying there in bed, talking football, and baseball, and having the "game plan" (which is on the dry erase board) explained to me gave me great comfort that you are going to make it! Jeffrey Scott, you restored my faith. I Love You and I am proud you were sent to be MY Big Bubba!!!
Always, baby sissa

2006 5/6 CARDINALS

2006 5/6 CARDINALS